What is your Life Vision for 2024?

Sometimes in life, you just need someone to give you a little nudge in the right direction.

Are you stuck and unsure of where your life is heading?

Are you lacking or have you lost your sense of self?

You may be asking yourself this question who am I?

( Maybe you have come out of a long-term relationship and no longer know who you are on your own )

Are you stuck in a job that gives you no satisfaction?

How do you rate your health & well-being?

Book your 90-minute call with Luke & spend this time discovering what it is that lights you up.

Let me help you find your zone of genius to manifest a life of certainty.

All sessions are via phone, messenger or zoom

* Once you have paid for your life audit session, We will contact you to book your time with Luke

Founders of Mindset Mastery NLP

Carol Johnston-Mollica alongside her husband Luke Mollica is a dynamic heart-centred couple creating positive impact locally, nationally & Internationally with their accredited trainings, private coaching, relationships events & retreats including personal development programs.

Their vision is to continue our amazing work to create the ripple effect amongst communities throughout the world. We live and breathe transformation hence our tagline of "Transformed for Life" Once you experience this type of personal transformation with Mindset Mastery NLP, it is a welcome reset for your unconscious mind.

Since 2019, Mindset Mastery NLP has provided its services in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, U.K & Zurich to hundreds of people creating positive change.