Mindset Mastery NLP - Action Takers

Your 3-Month Breakthrough Program with Luke Mollica

Here is an overview of my 12-week breakthrough.

Please see below for the breakdown as discussed.

Using Modalities of NLP, Time Line Therapy® & Modern Hypnosis

Master Breakthrough 3-month program

Week 1 - We will start with questioning that allows us to dig deep into your personal history. We also look at evidence criteria which is going to help me to make sure that I help you get the best results. When I work with my clients we look at a specific area of life. ( health & personal wellness )

Week 2 -3 - We may still be questioning at this stage because the questioning is quite intensive; it will just depend on how much of the personal history there is to get through. If this part takes longer that's ok. I am also going to look at your values ( I will chat about that when I see you ) ) We elicit your values of the area you want to work on ( values around self-worth)

Week 4 - This is where we start the process.  Elicitation of your Time Line . We start timeline therapy by eliminating anger and sadness.

Week 5 - Again we are doing timeline therapy this week, we eliminate fear and hurt.

Week 6 - Still working on eliminating negative emotions in this session we eliminate guilt and extra emotions. 

Week 7-8  - We may still be working on limiting beliefs 

Week 9 - Parts integration which is all about eliminating inner conflict and bringing your body and nervous system back to wholeness. Values realignment

Week 10 - We  will be doing Ho'opono'pono (mirror work) and hypnotherapy session

Week 11 - Goal setting and future pacing.

Week 12 - Make sure we have addressed everything, Checking of evidence criteria/accountability.


Google Reviews - https://g.page/r/CbbP_HXGN-DhEAE


Testimonials - https://mindsetmasterynlp.lpages.co/testimonials/

Our Blog Page - https://www.somethingsnotright.com.au/

Each program is specifically designed for each individual client.

No breakthroughs are the same.

* Extra sessions will incur a price per-session fee

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